Information according to § 5 TMG:
CS Additive GmbH
Shamrockring 1
44623 Herne, Germany
Tel. +49 2323 22761-0
Fax +49 2323 22761-30
represented by the management
Dr. Manfred Kühn, Dr. Jan-Chr. Schrag
Seat of the company
Registry Court
Local court Essen
Commercial register B 13622
Sales tax identification number
DE 119 104 221
If you have any questions about CS Additive GmbH or the content of this website and its editorial offerings, please contact the following person:
Barbara Aigte
CS Additive GmbH
Shamrockring 1
44623 Herne, Germany
Tel. +49 2323 22761-22
Source information for the images and graphics used: CS Additive GmbH’s own factory photos and Istockphoto (RainStar/Fotogestoeber/DragonTiger).
Website: Realisation, text and content: VIP Kommunikation